I work with the C-suite, founders, ICs, mid-level managers and teams ranging from startups to F100 companies, in industries ranging from healthcare to tech to the public sector.

Below are some of their reflections on the work we’ve done together and the organizations with whom I’ve partnered:

“Robyn played a key part in my having the confidence to make one of the biggest leaps of my career. I was able to lean on her extensive corporate experience as she helped me move from the early stages of the process through to receiving and accepting my job offer. I am so grateful to have had Robyn as my advisor through this process.”

- VP of Business Development, Data Platform

“As a very driven executive at a consulting firm, Robyn helped me work through some negative self-talk issues I was having and see my strengths in my current leadership role at my firm. She helped me understand where I add value and articulate that to my CEO and peers and relieve a lot of the pressure and perceptions that were holding me back. Working with her allowed me to visualize my best self and bring that to every meeting in an authentic and meaningful way. She also gave me advice that I use with my own mentees and junior staff. I would recommend her to professionals at any juncture seeking to develop confidence, banish negativity and level up.”

-Managing Director, Corporate Communications

“I knew I needed to find a new job, but I didn't know where to start. With Robyn's help, I found my calling. The work we did together on purpose, mission, values and priorities helped me focus on what I really wanted to spend my time doing, and gave me the courage to go find it. Together, Robyn and I discussed my fears, anxieties and blockers, and at the end of our engagement, I accepted a job offer that checks all my boxes. My new mission has begun, and I wouldn't be on this path without Robyn.”

-VP of Growth, Public Sector

“When I began working with Robyn, we focused on figuring out if Product Management was indeed the right career path. I was struggling a bit with confidence in my role as a Senior PM well as how to feel connected to my work. Just a few months after working with her, I felt a sense of clarity and confidence around my strengths, empowering me to seek out and create more opportunities to exploit my unique skill set. Overall, I simply feel more invested in and energized by my work. Because of Robyn's support, I now find I am more adept at navigating difficult conversations and approaching all of my personal and professional relationships with heightened awareness, reliable frameworks, and intention.

-Senior Product Manager, Food Delivery Platform.

“The result of Robyn’s coaching has been a much more transformative and profound experience than I ever could have anticipated. Robyn has brought such a jolt of energy and creativity to this process. She always brings me back to center and keeps me motivated. Best of all, she really thinks outside the box and has helped me transform my mindset of the entire process. I could not recommend Robyn more.

-Attorney, Department of Justice

“I learned to embrace my new role as CTO and realize that I was more qualified than I gave myself credit for. I learned strategies for being more productive with my time, improving my decision-making and communicating with my team both in one-on-one and group settings. Robyn’s both empathetic and has a lot of relevant experience she can draw from to provide helpful insights and suggestions. Working with her was a great experience overall and I'd recommend her to any founder or executive learning how to navigate a new role for the first time

-CTO, B2B Saas

I have had the privilege of working with the following organizations:

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